Health Screening
What is Health Screening?
Health screening primarily focuses on employees’ health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.
Health screening primarily focuses on employees’ health, before they start a specific job or task. Health screening allows a company to encourage preventative action before employees start work.
Screening can give an understanding of the presence of infection or disease among healthy employees who are potentially unaware. Health screening also assesses the workplace and helps to manage and understand risks and potential hazards.
Although health screening is not a legal requirement from the HSE, it is considered good practice and promotes a proactive and healthy workforce.
One site urine testing for Drug and Alcohol abuse
Vaccinations provided through the workplace
Vision Screening plays an important role in industry
The fit of an RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) is critical – one size does not fit all
Pre-placement medicals determine worker fitness and set the baseline to evaluate future injuries.
Assessing chemical exposures that can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin